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at Scale

Organizations that incorporate new technologies into their enterprise often find limited success or impact on the overall business. The promise of digital agility cannot be achieved by applying new technologies to an old paradigm. Business leaders need to evaluate processes, staff, governance, and culture to obtain the desired competitive advantage that consumes and reconfigures business execution on demand.


True automation at scale models that embrace new technologies will force corporate IT to focus on process efficiencies across all systems in an enterprise and reduce costly manual intervention and complex governance processes.


When it comes to technology, companies get bogged down with what they have. They don’t focus enough on why they have it, or how they can develop new solutions, tools, and processes to create that evolutionary step forward toward their true destination.


To automate effectively at scale in a public or private cloud environment, organizations need to develop an assessment methodology that will monetize the value of software, competencies of staff, the effectiveness of governance, and ROI of physical technology investments. When going through this exercise, IT leaders need to question everything. Any place where an executive can’t answer simple questions on why a technology or process is in place is where further time should be spent.


What differentiates SMX-Cloud is our ability to provide a realistic view of a client’s organization by evaluating its cloud and physical IT infrastructure and grading the effectiveness of its processing models — including governance and administrative overhead. This enables a client to make not just the most cost-effective technology selection, but the best effective business decision. 

SMX-Cloud professionals assist clients to establish processing baselines that enable the creation of metrics that support critical business decisions. Using manufacturing principles, we measure events and create value clauses for software, staff, and processes. We also establish service level agreements (SLAs) for processes, groups, and organizations that formalize expectations and transform our clients’ enterprise into a group of service providers. This concept of treating functions in a pipeline as services that the staff consumes and from which they expect value, drives new levels of efficiency for the enterprise.



How it will all work to your advantage  


Taking an automation-at-scale approach will allow companies to adapt to the cloud and utilize all its benefits culturally and technically. With SMX-Cloud, organizations can set the expectation and direction of technology innovation with objective measurements that can expand the reaction time of functions. 

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